
Undocumented in source.

Public Imports

public import collections.commons;
Undocumented in source.



struct LinkedMap(K, E, bool nogcIndexing = true, alias equal = "a == b", bool ovrwrtBhvr = true)

Implements a linked map datastructure. Similar to TreeMap, but instead relies on the equals function, which can mean it can compare keys much easier, meaning much bigger data can be compared easily without hashing. Also it doesn't need to rebalance a tree, which lowers insertion complexity at the cost of higher theoretical access times (n). This linked map has the behavior of putting new elements at the back, resulting in an ordered map similar to what PHP and YAML also has. ovrwrtBhvr changes the overwrite behavior when keymatches are found. If true, then if a key is already existing, then it'll overwrite it at the given position. If false, then the matching key will be first deleted, then the new one will be always put in the end.
